Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." ~ Vince Lombardi

Hello, families--

Welcome back -- I hope you all had a great vacation! We're nearing the end of the second marking period and gearing up for the home stretch. Already! Where does the time go??

  I hope you all received the letter I send home to you last week with your students.  It was on fluorescent yellow paper and included comprehensive time-sensitive information about your child's progress. There was a section to sign and return, and to date, I've only received four.  Please ask your child to dig into the darkest recesses of his/her backpack and find it for you if you don't already have it.  Along with the letter was a personalized list of still overdue assignments that were to be turned in no later than Monday morning (2/25). Any papers still missing are now zeros. Please note that from this point forward, overdue papers will lose 10 points for each day they are late. It's crunch time!


--Writers' Notebooks due Wednesday -- 
--Book projects due Thursday -- 
--Presentations of Book Projects on Friday!


  • Monday:  Task cards & pages 159-160
  • Tuesday:  Task cards & pages 161-162
  • Wednesday:  Task cards & pages 163-164
  • Thursday:  Task cards & pages 165-166
  • Friday:  Test & collect 5 task cards.


  • Monday:  Review common errors in grammar.  Assignment:  Complete Four Kinds of Sentences worksheet for Tuesday. "Mini-Poster" project due Friday.
  • Tuesday: Complete reading comprehension and critical thinking collaborative activity using the article, "Screen Time," which used medical research to analyze the effects of electronic devices on sleep -- and learning.
  • Wednesday: Conclude yesterday's activity with analytical writing prompt and self-scoring rubric.
  • Thursday: Study of run-on sentences and fragments.  Complete worksheet.
  • Friday: "Big Honkin' Test" (not really-I just like the way it sounds).  Do you want to practice?  Check out this fun interactive site!
. . .And if you want to learn more about making comic strips, check this out!


Assessments all this week.  


  • Monday:  Complete final reading of Pyramids, and compete activity packet for next class. Also complete last ten questions in comprehension packet.
  • Tuesday:  Same as above.
  • Wednesday:  Movie, "Pyramid."
  • Thursday: Same as above.
  • Friday:  no class.

That's it for another week.  Assessments and reviews, mostly.  I hope you all have a relaxing evening.

Take care-

Oh-so-appropriate cartoon image:  http://cartoonstudio.co.uk/images/00Christmas/GettingToWork.jpg