Monday, September 24, 2012

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." ~ Isaac Asimov

Welcome, everyone!

This week has us doing a wide variety of activities--finishing up projects, starting new ones. . . Sorry to say, some students are already coming in without assignments completed.  Please, please, please check your child's planner --and this blog--to see what (if anything) needs to be done, and direct him/her as needed to a quiet place to finish it.  So much class work is collaborative, and contingent on each child's completed work from the day before.  (Late work also affects grades. . .)

I have something I'd like to give you a "heads up" about.   I'm oh so well aware that, as our wonderful children plow headlong into early adolescence, attitudes and behaviors develop the capacity to change from moment to moment.  I'm also aware that our sixth graders, being the school elders, regard themselves differently--and they should; they've earned a particular distinction in our school family.  
Kids this age like to banter--a communication skill that unquestionably improves with practice.  It takes a bit of fine-tuning to banter effectively, and it carries the unfortunate potential to come across as back-talk (timing is everything, as they say). Such may be the case with some of our elders who (playfully or otherwise) have chosen, of late, to challenge adults and rules. Please remind your child that everyone's perception/tolerance of "banter aka back-talk" is different, and that this form of word play requires a person's ability to determine the appropriate time, place, and circumstance in which to engage in it. 

I love these kids and celebrate each wonderful, often zany step they take toward maturity, but I also recognize that missteps are a natural part of the process. Respecting others, be it adults or peers, must remain the bottom line. 

I hope your week is wonderful!


October 9, 10, 11, and 12:  
  • Grade 5 -- 9:50-11:30 AM
  • Grade 6 -- 12:30-2:00 PM
October 15 and 16:  
  • Grade 6 -- 12:30-2:00 PM
October 15, 16, 17 and 18:  
  • Grade 5 -- 9:50-11:30 AM

(Unless otherwise stated, all assignments are due the next class day.)


Language Arts 6:  
  • Monday:  Complete Learning Modalities assessment
  • Tuesday:  Writing for a Purpose -- Write an Ad for the Beagle Bugle (specific directions on worksheet)
  • Wednesday:  Complete Mission Statement activity.  2 STICKS REQUIRED!! (about 10 inches each) Complete Basset Hound Ad from yesterday.
  • Thursday:  Compose "How I Learn" essay based on information from Learning Styles assessments
  • Friday: Complete Mission Statement activity and continue "How I Learn." Turn in "WRITER'S NOTEBOOKS" with September's work completed
Language Arts 5:
  • Monday:  "Fragment Frustration" (avoiding sentence fragments and enhancing writing through elaboration)
  • Tuesday: Writing for a Purpose -- Write an Ad for the Beagle Bugle (specific directions on worksheet)
  • Wednesday:   "Complete Thoughts" activity and worksheet.  Complete Basset Hound Ad from yesterday.
  • Thursday:  "No Jamming" and "No Jumbling" packet-- (avoiding run-on sentences)
  • Friday:  "Complete Thoughts" and "Starting and Stopping" activity.Turn in "WRITER'S NOTEBOOKS" with September's work completed.

Social Studies:
  •  Monday (Mrs. Maynard's class):  Turn in "9 Questions" activity about your wonder and complete RUBRIC to determine what you believe makes a wonder a wonder.
  • Tuesday (Mrs. DaBica's class):  Same as above.
  • Wednesday (Mrs. Maynard's class):  Class discussion to determine consensus about what makes a wonder a wonder (based on individual/group information).  Using handout, review Forgotten Wonders, Natural Wonders, and Modern Wonders," choose a wonder to learn more about and begin creation of a travel brochure. (Information will be provided.)
  • Thursday (Mrs. DaBica's class):  Same as above.