Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6 "Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed." -- Bob Riley

Hello everyone-

Today Mr. Wright introduced Web pages to grades 5 and 6 as part of the "technology-infused" heroes unit. One of the expectations of this unit is that every child will learn how to create a Web page. For the 6th grade who are researching and writing about a hero, it will satisfy their "Research Report" requirement for the year. The fifth grade is doing an essay on a hero, as well as some other activities soon to be announced. If they turn out the way I hope, these should be awesome. I'll post them on our blog for you to see.

  • Grade 6 should have first drafts done by now; I need to check them. Those who are ready will begin creating their Web pages tomorrow.
  • Grade 5 was asked to choose a hero from the many links I've provided on a previous blog (scroll down to see). They will begin their essay tomorrow.
  • Grade 5 had Social Studies today and filled out a graphic organizer about the differences in the regions of the 13 colonies. (It's due Thursday.) They also have a Scavenger Hunt to complete by Friday, although many are nearly done already. They also had to trace or draw a map of the 13 colonies and color in the three regions.
  • Grade 6 should have their Social Studies ready to turn in tomorrow. (See above)

The following is an additional link to help those who may still need to complete their graphic organizer.
(See the others that I posted in the previous blog.)
The Thirteen Colonies Interactive Powerpoint

Have a good evening, everyone.